Average cost
The total cost of the firms’s output divided by the total number of units of output.
The total cost of the firms’s output divided by the total number of units of output.
Revenue divided by cost per sale. Commonly used by cellphone companies.
Total output divided by a particular input, for example per worker (divided by the number of workers) or per worker […]
The mean cost at which an item was purchased by buyers.
Business to business.
Business to consumer.
As in phrase “back end analysis” refers to the results of actions with people who have responded to your initial […]
Bad debt is money that a business is owed by a customer, but which the customer is unable to pay.
Bad debt is money that a business is owed by a customer, but which the customer is unable to pay.
This records the sources and uses of foreign exchange. This account records all payment transactions between the home country and […]